The Guidance Hidden in Your Name

A shaman once told me that our names are what we are not. He was trying to tell me that our names are what we learn to embody or grow into - the expression of our true selves, ie alignment (and alignment is our natural state which is love, joy, health and abundance :)

He told me my name, Noelle or “No L”, signified I was to know or understand the light.

However, I don’t think he knew that I spell my name with 2 e’s and 2 l’s, which I feel means “to know elle” as in elle, which is French for “she”.


No surprise, but my favorite thing to write, speak or talk about it is feminine energy - intuition, understanding how our intuition speaks to us, how to strengthen it, the beauty in receiving (because it’s much easier to give :), relaxing, sensuality, the importance of self-care, letting go, style, creativity, and re-remembering (and using) herbs, plants and Mother Nature to bring health, beauty and balance to our lives. These things are all feminine energy!

It always amazes me the guidance that is always right in front of us. Of course, every part of our name (middle, last name, nickname) has meaning and clues as well!

What comes up for you as you read this? Sometimes it helps to write out your name as seeing it can trigger a knowing (example - my first and last name both have 2 L’s next to each other, which to me, looks like illumination, strength, height, pillars - like when you enter a temple or sacred space…)

If you want to dive further into the meaning and guidance in your name, then check out my e-book, Understanding Numerology.

Numerology uses numbers to discover the meaning in our names and it’s fascinating to find out the Numerology of our first name, married name, nickname and what that number means!

Quick Inspiration: We don't fall in love, we rise in love

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