Whether it’s navigating the world of natural health (no drugs or synthetics), switching to non-toxic products, interpreting spiritual guidance, or even starting your own business, I can help you narrow your focus, tell you where to begin, and introduce you to the right resources and contacts.
Intuition is our North Star. It’s our internal guidance system that helps us align with our true self which is love, joy, health and abundance. It’s what guided me on my abundance & healing journey as I was not led to the mainstream method of health care - or the belief that I always had to be working to magnetize abundance. There is a much better, more balanced way of living.
I’m passionate about helping people understand intuition - what it is, what it sounds like, what it feels like and yes, how it is communicating with us (such as repeating numbers, signs, song lyrics, animals that show up etc.).
This is the focus of my retreats (upcoming one to Tulum this September!), and I am happy to lead a workshop or seminar for your event, company or retreat.
Please check out my podcast for a preview of speaking topics.
Yes! I am a Certified Laughing Yoga Leader and yes, laughing yoga does exist!
While this isn’t yoga with a mat and downward dog, Laughing Yoga combines laughing (while acting out daily activities like vacuuming, eating a sandwich to playing with a ball), with periods of deep, full breathing.
Laughing Yoga is proven to:
* Decrease stress
* Boost immunity (1 minute of laughter boost the immune system for 24 hours, while 1 minute of anger decreases the immune system for 4-5 hours)
* Relaxes the body by getting blood and oxygen flowing
* Improves relationships & fosters connection because, well, laughing is contagious
* Calms the mind
* Move the body (you can’t stand perfectly still and laugh at the same time! :)
* Elevates mood as it releases all four feel-good chemicals – endorphins, dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin
* No equipment, special clothes or set-up needed
Contact me to set up a Laughing Yoga session for your company, group or retreat!
Tarot is just one of the many ways we can make the subconscious conscious. This reading will give you an understanding of what is unfolding in your life. (Of course you can always change it based on what you decide to do moving forward. :)
I will also pull a card from another deck or use my Encyclopedia of Angels, Saints, Goddesses & Deity book to discover who you can call upon for your journey forward. The angels are very powerful and they always show up to help! (Everyone loves this book and the additional guidance it brings.)
This reading:
* provides clarity
* greater insight as to why things are unfolding a certain way
* helps you understand your next step and what your soul is nudging you to do now
* provides time to cover one major topic in your life
$52 for half an hour
People are always amazed at the guidance and messages “hidden” in our names. Of course, we chose our names, just as we chose our parents and siblings so no surprise - there is so much to discover with numerology!
When we use numerology to understand our strengths, weaknesses, soul urge, why certain numbers keep popping up, and why we operate the way we do, we can gain greater understanding, direction and purpose. Oh, what is revealed in our name!
Combined with a Tarot reading, this will give you a greater understanding of your purpose, current situation, and help you move forward with you “newly discovered” or shall I say, forgotten, strengths.
This reading:
* helps you understand why you approach things or situations the way you do
* learn what is holding you back or where growth is needed
* remember or confirm your talents and/or direction in life
$72 for 45 minutes
The beauty of an online course is you can access it from anywhere, at any time. I’ve put together two courses to help you on your health and spiritual journey that you can start now.
The New You - Spring 2021
My naturopath, Dr. Jen Stanley, and I have put together a spring cleansing and non-toxic course! It opens on the first day of spring, which is Saturday, March 20th and will be available till Tuesday, June 1st, 2021.
When I did these cleanses, I had my 17+ year gluten allergy disappear and my 70 year old mom had her cataracts disappear. It was life-changing and I’m excited for you to have the same opportunity!
This course will help you:
Eliminate cravings
Help improve digestion
Flush out and re-start the liver (it’s our largest organ and responsible for filtering all viruses & bacteria)
Clean out and repair the lining of the gut (a liver cleanse or heavy metal cleanse cannot be done without cleaning out and then repairing the lining of the gut first as you can’t send dead parasites, toxins and old hormones through a gut that has holes in it! Eek!)
Understand the root cause of pain, ingestion or food sensitivities which will show up in your iridology analysis
Make the switch to non-toxic products (like saying goodbye to energy efficient light bulbs - studies have shown they mess with our mood) to safe laundry detergent, cookware, bedding, options other than aluminum foil (which can leak dangerous heavy metals into our food), to why grade B maple syrup vs. grade A, to coconut milk without guar, to gluten, dairy and oil free recipes and more
*Please note, classes are no longer in session.
5 Ways to Reduce the Toxins in Your Life Right Now
While detoxing is essential in the 21st century, (even polar bears, the ones with the cleanest air and water are now getting “human diseases”), the first step is to reduce the amount of toxins entering your body.
This course will help you:
Reduce the toxins in your bath, shower and drinking water
Learn how to start your day (and digestion) off on the right foot by adding greens to your morning routine
Incorporate anti-inflammatory recipes that are quick and easy (even for the “non-cook”)
Easily negate electronic magnetic radiation from cell phones, computers, TVs, which can alter DNA and zap your energy
Make the switch to non-toxic beauty and cleaning products (that actually work!)
*Please note, classes are no longer in session.
Be Your Own Guru – Starting Your Spiritual Journey & How to Listen and Interpret Your Inner Guidance
Your soul is always guiding you towards love, joy, health and abundance, but in order to hear it, you must get quiet, recognize the signs (repeating numbers, animals that cross your path, songs on the radio), and learn how to follow them.
This course will help you:
Understand the power of meditation
Learn how to ask for help from your angels & guides
Find great books to guide you along your spiritual journey
Learn how to use oracle cards
Begin journaling to see how it can help you open up to your intuition
Interpret messages such as repeating numbers, songs that get stuck in your head, or dreams
Learn how to ground and clear your energy
Incorporate easy, make-ahead meals that help you to become a clear channel for guidance
Connect with other spiritual teachers who can help explain other spiritual connections, provide a numerology reading, assess your astrological chart, identify vitamin & mineral deficiencies in the body, or cut cords from family members and past relationships
*Please note, classes are no longer in session.