Cultivating Simplicity

This is a guest post from Jarm del Boccio.  She contacted me through the Be A Contributor page and commented that her word for 2018 was simplicity.  What a fantastic word!  Here are her tips (and resources), to cultivate simplicity in your life. 


I don’t know about you, but I have too much stuff — on the inside and outside. In my house. On my schedule. Swirling about in my head.

Simplicity is my word for 2018. I’m cutting the clutter and making room for creativity to blossom and grow — and freeing up time to write for the glory of God. Every word.

I must chip away at anything that is unnecessary, to reveal what is most important.

So, to find room, some things have to go. What are those things? 

Anything that clouds my vision or distracts me. Things that steal my peace. I want to breathe freely!

Things like:

A too busy schedule. Do I really need to attend all those meetings? Each event I’m invited to? Look at your goals. Will doing all the things on your schedule help you to reach them? Or do they work in conflict?

We shouldn’t feel the need to fill up our free time. Let’s leave room to breathe! 

Unnecessary shopping trips: Do I pass a resale shop or clothing store and stop, just in case they might have a scarf to go with my latest outfit? Or wander through three grocery stores to search out the best deals? Is saving a few dollars worth the hassle?

If possible, vow to go out of the house only once a day. Or run just one errand after work. If you must go, combine errands in one location to save time and energy.

Too much time online: Do I need to watch all those episodes in the next few days? Keep up with my friends three times a day on social media? Or chase every link in an email? Probably not. And it’s doubtful your friends would notice if you didn’t show up.

If possible, go on social media once a day. Can you do it? Here’s an idea to help you.

Purchasing things I don’t really need: Can I use two blenders at once? Wear three black skirts in one week? Do I need another pillow on my couch? Do I need a set of dishes for every season or holiday?

Truth is, the more stuff you own, the more time and energy it takes to take care of it.

Determine to declutter a drawer at a time - and vow to get rid of one item for each you purchase. Check out this article . . . and this one, too.

Outdoing Martha Stewart: Will my friends notice if I simplify my centerpiece or offer only two side dishes? Or (for heaven’s sake) care if I order out healthy fare once in a while? I don’t think so. They would much rather have a happy hostess!

Perfection is not required. Your loved ones will still support you, especially if you explain your need to simplify. This inspirational article will bring you encouragement.

Having too much on my mind: Do I sometimes feel so stressed I can’t think?

It’s time to take a break. Try these simple ideas:

  • Take a brisk walk- and breath in the fresh air!
  • Read a calming book or magazine
  • Pray or meditate
  • Stop for a cup of calming tea, a tall glass of lemon water, or piece of fresh fruit
  • Call, (that’s right), a friend
  • Take a mineral or essential oil bath— detox!
  • Lie down with cucumbers over your closed eyes and listen to dreamy music
  • Download the Pigment app and color away! Or, be mesmerized by Silk.
  • Keep a gratitude list

Hopefully this post has given you some ideas on how to simply your life, mind and surroundings.  Living simply frees up the pressure we put on ourselves.  It also allows more room for joy and things & people that we love.  Cheers to creating more space in our lives and a calmer world around us!

More resources for simplicity:

Simplify Magazine
The 7 Experiment
The Joy of Less by Francine Jay
Spark Joy by Marie Kondō

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