15 Questions for New Year's Eve

I’ve never liked New Year’s Eve. It’s mainly because the energy feels off (it’s not tied to any new beginnings in nature as our new year really starts on our birthday – not January 1st).

However, I do think NYE is a great time to reflect.


Here are some questions to answer in your journal or discuss with others.

It’s a fun way to exchange stories, examine your growth, recall joyous moments, and make conscious the lessons learned throughout the past 12 months :)

15 Questions for New Year’s Eve (then be sure to start an Everyday Magic Jar as a fabulous thing to do for the next NYE!).

1.) What was the best thing that happened this past year?

2.) What was the most challenging part of the year?

3.) What was an unexpected joy this past year?

4.) Who were your most valuable relationships with?

5.) What was your body telling you this year? Does it need more sleep, different foods, a new schedule…?

6.) How did you expand this year?

7.) How did you hold back this year?

8.) What was the biggest thing you learned?

9.) When did you feel most like yourself this year?

10.) What are you most thankful for this past year?

11.) What was your biggest time waster this year?

12.) How did you grow emotionally?

13.) How did you grow spiritually?

14.) How did you grow physically?

15.) Pick 3 words to describe this past year.

Lastly, a bonus question, what would you like to invite in for the new year?

Whether it’s more self-care, romance, joy, prosperity or health, I hope this post has inspired you. And, if you need some help or guidance in making these things a reality, then please reach out! I’m here to help. :)

* Questions inspired by theartofsimple.net

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